Clouded Leopards and their Habitats

Most of the people love cats. We adopt them as pets. They are so adorable.Clouded Leopards are found in the drier forests of Southest Asia. These clouded leopards are medium in size. "Clouded leopards" are named for the cloud pattern shape on their skins. Now a research paper published by over 20 researchers from across the globe has helped understand their habitats, migration corridors and laid out the conservation strategies.

Cloded leopards are found in nine countries like India, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Lios, Vietnam, Cambodia.

In India, Dampa tiger was chosen as the study site. Dampa has been chosen as one of the tiger reserve. It is an incredible area that supports a very high diversity almost every other species expected in this ecosystem. This reserve receives funding from the National Tiger Conservation on an annual basis which helps it maintain over 100 daily pays forest guards.

Dampa had one of the highest population densities of clouded leopards. India added  clouded leopards to its Recovery Programme for critically endangered species. Clouded leopard presence was positively associated with forest cover and rain. It was also noted that forest cover declined by 35%, the clouded leopard detection dropped by 25%. Deforrestration and reduction of rain influence clouded leopard negatively.

Male clouded leopards are twice the size of females. They are good in tree climbing. They eat different animals like deer, pigs, goats, birds etc. They do not purr but they do a low snorting noise.

According to the reseach, fewer than 10000 leopards are left.

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