Leading with Agility

 Leading with Agility

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Are you a Leader, or Manager of a team?  Maybe an aspiring leader?  Or maybe an experienced leader looking for an edge?  Then this course is for you.  Embrace VUCA and the power of change to help lead and nurture amazing teams capable of amazing feats!  It's all in you!  Unleash your potential through your Leadership Agility and personal growth!

Today's leaders must be able to recognize and respond to dynamic global challenges and opportunities while tapping into the intrinsic power of their employees to deliver industry leading solutions and services.

These demands require leaders who have a high degree of emotional intelligence, are situationally aware systems thinkers, and have the ability to provide clarity and vision to the people who they serve.

Instead of just telling what to do and how to do, a leader helps the team in getting the work done and work together as one.

Product information:

This ICAgile accredited course is a 6 week online Leadership Experience combining asyncrhonous Video and lesson assignments with weekly live online sessions with a Leadership Coach.

Videos are delivered weekly to users who sign up, and each week a new set of lessons are unlocked.  Also, each week, attendees meet with a Leadership Coach/Trainer to discuss as part of a cohort, what they learned and how to apply it. 

So, what are you waiting for? Buy this amazing product and be a good leader in your job or business!


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