Arms beginner

There are many arm blasting workout. I'll recommend you 16 exercises those can help you in developing arms in first stage.
If you practice those regular, you'll get a great benefits. Maintain the following exercise as given below:

1. Arm raise:

You have to stand straight. Extend your arm straight forward at shoulder height. Raise your arms above your head. Return to the start position and repeat. Do at least 10 times.

2. Side arm raise:

You have to strand straight. Raise your arms to the side at shoulder position and put them down. Repeat this process at least 10 times.

3. Arm circles Clockwise :

You have to stand straight. Keep your hand straight to Side at shoulder position. Move arms clockwise. Do this exercise as fast as you can. Do this atleast 5 times.
This is helpful for deltoid muscle.

4. Arm circles anticlockwise :

You have to stand straight. Keep your hand straight to Side at shoulder position.  Move arms anticlockwise. Do this exercise as fast as you can. Do this atleast 5 times. This is helpful for deltoid muscle.

5. Triceps stretch left:

Hold left hand on your back. Use right hand to grab it and pull it gently.  Hold in this position for 5 seconds.

6. Triceps stretch right:

Hold right hand on your back. Use left hand to grab it and pull it gently. Hold in this position for 5 seconds.

7. Standing biceps stretch left:

Extend your left arm and put it on the wall and gently turn your body to the right.

8. Standing biceps stretch right:

Extend your right arm and put it on the wall and gently turn your body to the right.

9. Jump:

Keep your legs together and keep your arms by your side. Then jump up with your feet apart and your hands overhead.
Return to the start position and repeat it 15 times. This will give you full body workout and works your large muscle group.

10. Push up :

Lay bent on the ground with your arms supporting body. Keep your body straight when raising and lowering with your arms.
This exercise helps you to develop chest,legs,biceps,triceps.

11. Diagonal push up :

Lift your left hand and right leg in parallel position. Repeat the same process with opposite hand and leg.

12. Wall push up :

You have to stand in front of a wall and take a big step.  Push up against the wall.
Bend your elbow and press your upper body against the wall. Return to the starting position. Do this exercise atleast 10 times.

13. Triceps dip:

This is a very effective exercise for triceps. In the starting position you have to sit on the chair. Then move your hip off the chair with your hands holding the edge of the chair.
Then slightly bend and stretch your arms to make your body up and down.

14. Chest press pulse:

You have to hold your hands together at shoulder height. Then bend your elbows forming 'L' shspe.
Then lift the hands up & down.

15. Punches:

Bend your elbows and clench your fist in forward position. Take other arm back and repeat the process 10 times with both hands. You have to Keep your arms straight.

16. Inchworms:

Bend your body and walk with your hands as far as you can and then walk back with your hands. Repeat this process for 10-15 times.

Follow this exercise and practice daily for 30-40 minutes. If you want to get a good result then you have to work hard upon it.
So take heathly, Stay healthy!!

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