Anger psycological facts

Hi guys, today I'm going to share with you some interesting facts about anger. We all have a question that's anger is good or bad?

Anger is just more than an emotion.. It's happend due to some feelings.. We all have some tolerance level.. When the level is crossed, we burst out. Sometimes it is bad for our health. 

 So let's start

  • Anger is more than emotion. It actually has psycological facts. It causes racing heartbeats, sweating and increase blood pressure. Somrtimes it causes death.

  • Controlling facial muscle can help to control your anger. If you don't knit your brows when you are angry , you won't feel the emotion in much intensity.

  • Only pain can't cause anger. Anger causes when it's combined with anger-triggering thought. 

  • Anger occurs more muscle tension, high blood pressure, low heart rate.

  • It is more satisfying to feel angry than to acknowledge the painful feelings associated with vulnerability.

  • Men who have low level of testosterone served as a threat to masculinity and led to engagement in more "gender stereotypical behaviours", like getting into physical fights and anger.

  • When masculanity was challenged , men reacted with more anger and with an increased endorsement of social dominance over women.

  • Excessive anger can cause problems. Increased blood pressure and other physical changes associated with anger make it difficult to think straight and also harm your mental and physical health.

  • Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings.

  • Angry people most always feel that their anger is justified.. 

  • Anger is a natural and mostly automatic response to pain of one form or another.

  • Anger cannot make pain disappear-it only distracts you from it.

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