Friendship message collection 13

Friendship message 1

I have a little angel
Flying around with a hammer ,
Each person she hits
gets a little bit of love 
and friendship... 
I hope she beats the shit
Out of you!! 

Friendship message 2

Don't walk in front of me, 
I may not follow.. 
Don't walk behind me 
I may not lead.. 
Walk beside me 
And be my friend forever... 

Friendship message 3

Science has proved that sugar 
dissolves in water..
Please don't get wet 
in rain... 
I'll lose a sweet friend like you!! 

Friendship message 4

I never knew what wonders
a friend can do.. 
Surely they can change things 
around you into 
smiles, sunshine and happiness...
Just the way you keep on doing always... 

Friendship message 5

A friend gives hope
when life is low, 
A friend is a place when
You have nowhere to go, 
A friend is honest, 
A friend is true.
A friend is precious, 
A friend is you!! 

Friendship message 6

A smile is a sign of joy
A hug is a sign of love 
A laugh is a  sign of happiness 
A friend like me 
Is a sign of 
Your damn Good Choice

Friendship message 7

I woke up today Smiling as
I remember I have a  friend 
Like you and I hope 
Many years from now 
I would still 
wake up smiling 
For the same reason 

Friendship message 8

Our friendship means so much 
To me that if we were 
The last people on a sinking ship 
And we have only 
Life jacket 
I'll miss you yar

Friendship message 9

As long as we have memories, 
Yesterday remains, 
As long as we have  hope
Tomorrow awaits, 
As long as we are friends 
Every day is a beautiful day. 

Friendship message 10

Friendship is like 
Standing on wet cement... 
The longer you stay, 
The harder is to leave... 
And you can never leave, 
Without leaving your footprints 

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