5 healthy food and their benefits

Food keeps you healthy.

1. Eggs

Eggs are the source of omega-3, fatty acids which keep you healthy, essential for body functions and keep your heart healthy.
One egg contains 700 calories and offers 6 gram of proteins. It contains protein, vitamin B7 and prevents anemia. It's also containing cholesterol.
Eggs are animal productive things.
There are several health benefits that can be derived from eggs, including:

a. Strong muscles: The protein within eggs helps keep muscles working well while slowing the rate at which they are lost.

b. Brain health: Eggs contain vitamins and minerals that are needed for the regular functioning of cells, including the brain, nervous system, memory, and metabolism.

c. Good energy production: Eggs contain all the daily vitamins and minerals that are needed to produce energy in all the cells of the body.

d. A healthy immune system: Vitamin A, vitamin B-12, and selenium are key to keeping the immune system healthy.
Lower risk of heart disease: Choline plays an important part in breaking down the amino acid homocysteine, which is associated with the development of heart disease.

e. Healthful pregnancy: Some nutrients within eggs help to prevent congenital disabilities, such as spina bifida.

f. Eyesight: Lutein and zeaxanthin help to prevent mascular degeneration, the leading cause of age-related blindness. Other vitamins also promote good vision.
Weight loss and maintenance: The high quality of protein within eggs might help keep people energized and feeling fuller for longer. Feeling full prevents snacking, which reduces overall calorie intake.

g. Skin benefits: Some vitamins and minerals within eggs help promote healthy skin and prevent the breakdown of body tissues. A strong immune system also contributes to a healthy look overall.

The health benefits of eggs can only be experienced when they form part of a balanced diet.

2.  Bananas:

Bananas are rich in nutrients,  fibre,  vitamins and all other natural sugar.
High Fiber Content

a. Banana is loaded with fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The soluble fiber has the tendency to slow down digestion and keep you feeling full for a longer time. Which is why bananas are often included in a breakfast meal so that you can start about your day without having to worry about the next meal.

b. Heart Health

High fiber foods are said to be good for the heart. According to a study done by University of Leeds in UK, increasing consumption of fiber-rich foods such as bananas can lower risk of both cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD).

c. Ease in Digestion

According to Ayurveda, banana has a sweet and sour taste. The sweet taste is said to bring about a sense of heaviness but the sour taste is known to stimulate agni (the digestive juices), thereby supporting digestion and helping in building up metabolism.

d. Powerhouse of Nutrients

Banana is a heavyweight when it comes to nutrition. It is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin, and B6. These all contribute to the proper functioning of the body and keeping you healthy.

e. High Source of Potassium

The high content of potassium in bananas makes it a super fruit. This mineral is known for its numerous health benefiting properties - it helps in regulating heartbeat, blood pressure, and keeps the brain alert.

f. Blood Pressure

It is a known fact that salt is the evil when it comes to high blood pressure. Bananas have low salt content and high potassium content, and these properties contribute to making it ideal for those undergoing this condition.

g. Helps Fight Anaemia

Due to the high iron content in bananas, they are good for those suffering from anaemia. Anaemia is a condition where there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells or haemoglobin in the blood. This leads to fatigue, shortness of breath, and paleness.


Almonds are rich in protein, vitamin E, magnesium, fatty acids and many key amino acids.
It's a healthy dry fruit. It helps you to relief from constipation, respiratory problems, heart disorder etc.

4. Broccoli :

Broccoli contains fibre,  minerals, vitamin and dieaseas fighting compound.

a. Treats Cancer
Broccoli may prove to be a natural wonder drug for many types of cancer, including breast cancer, cancer of the uterus, prostate cancer, and cancers of various internal organs like the lungs, colon, liver, kidneys, and the intestines. That being said, it is particularly beneficial for breast cancer and uterine cancer, since it removes extra estrogen from the body. This is due to the presence of strong anti-carcinogenic compounds like glucoraphanin, diindolylmethane, beta-carotene, selenium and other nutrients like vitamin C, A, and E, zinc, potassium and certain amino acids, which are also good anti-cancer agents.
b. Detoxifies the Body

The presence of vitamin-C, sulfur, and certain amino acids make broccoli a very good detoxifier. It helps remove free radicals and toxins like uric acid from the body, thereby purifying the blood and keeping away toxin-related problems such as boils, itches, rashes, gout, arthritis, rheumatism, renal calculi, skin diseases like eczema, and hardening of the skin.

c. Skin Care

The credit for keeping your skin glowing and young goes to expert antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamin C, as well as other helpers like vitamin B complex, vitamin E (the one that gives shine to your skin and hair while reviving skin tissues), vitamin A and vitamin K, omega 3 fatty acids (which add glamor), amino acids, and folate present in broccoli. They all help take very good care of your skin and leave it glowing, healthy, and radiant.

d. Protects from UV Rays

Furthermore, glucoraphanin, one of the phytonutrients found in significant amounts in broccoli, has been connected with reversing the negative effects of sun exposure, so you can turn back the clock on your skin by eating plenty of this beneficial vegetable!

e. Treats Stomach Disorders

Broccoli is very rich in fiber or roughage, the primary dietary ingredient that can cure almost all stomach disorders by curing constipation since that is the root  of almost all the stomach disorders. The fiber adds to the bulkiness of the food, retains water and forms healthy bowel movements. The magnesium and vitamins present in it also cure acidity, facilitate proper digestion and absorption of nutrients from the food and soothe the stomach by reducing inflammation.

f. Prevents Heart Diseases

Apart from the antioxidants mentioned above, broccoli has a very high fiber content, along with significant levels of beta-carotene, omega-3 fatty acids, and other vitamins that help reduce LDL or bad cholesterol and keep the heart functioning properly by regulating blood-pressure. When you steam it, studies have shown that the fiber components combine better with bile, making it much easier and efficient to excrete. Reducing bile has a strong impact on cholesterol levels, thereby helping your heart health. Furthermore, the potassium found in broccoli is a vasodilator that can boost blood flow and oxygenation of essential organs by relaxing tension and stress of veins and blood vessels.

g. Eye Care

Zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, vitamin A, phosphorus, and other vitamins such as B complex, C, and E found in broccoli are very good for ocular health. These substances protect eyes against mascular degeneration and cataracts, while also repairing the damage caused by radiation.

h. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Broccoli is rich in various nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids. Recent research suggests that intake of diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids may reduce or delay the onset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

i. Broccoli Improves Immunity:

The substances responsible for the green and purple color of broccoli are vitamin C, beta-carotene, and other vitamins and minerals, particularly selenium, copper, zinc, and phosphorus. These compounds present in it are really great  immune system strengtheners that can protect you from numerous infections.

j. Improves Bone Health:

Being very rich in calcium (present by 47 mg. per 100 grams) and other nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus, eating broccoli can be very beneficial, particularly for children, old people, pregnant women or lactating mothers. That’s because these are the people most prone to osteoporosis, weakening of bones and teeth, and calcium deficiency.

K. Helps in Pregnancy:

Since it is full of nutrients essential for pregnant women, such as proteins, calcium, vitamins, antioxidants, detoxifiers, iron, phosphorus and others, it is an ideal component of any diet for them. Being rich in fiber, it also eliminates constipation, which is very common during pregnancy. Furthermore, the folate content in broccoli ensures that there are no birth defects, such as neural tube defects, which are a major problem for pregnant mothers who have a folic acid deficiency in their diet.

l. Regulates Blood Pressure:

An important mineral, chromium, found abundantly in broccoli, helps in the proper functioning of insulin and regulates blood sugar, thereby regulating blood pressure as well. Vitamins, which make all our systems function properly and are found in abundance in it, along with fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, help regulate blood pressure even more. So add some broccoli to your diet for some real heart health protection!

m. Treats Anemia:

Anemia is directly related to a lack of iron and certain proteins. Broccoli is rich in both of these and hence forms an excellent remedy against anemia. Eat them and feel the blood surge powerfully through your body. Copper is also found in it which is another essential mineral in the production of red blood cells, along with iron.

5. Fish:

Fish contains high in protein and fatty acids.
There are many benefits of eating fish
High in Nutrients
Different fish contain different nutrients, so when you are building a healthy diet, it’s important to find the best fit for your needs. Fish offer a wide variety of healthy nutrients that can promote overall health and wellness. Omega-3 fatty acids are present in almost all varieties and are vitally important to so many aspects of your health. For the highest levels of omega-3s, choose albacore tuna, salmon, mackerel and lake trout. These varieties usually also contain high levels of vitamin D, which most people are deficient in. Though the fattier varieties are generally considered the healthiest, some people choose more lean varieties because they are high in protein but lower in fat than many other common protein choices. Canned salmon that includes the bones can be a great source of calcium, especially for people who are unable to eat dairy. Vitamin B12, which is important for the production of red blood cells and neurological function, is especially present in clams, mackerel, herring and blue fin tuna. For those looking to include extra iron in their diet, clams, shrimp and swordfish are a healthy choice. Because of all of these amazing health advantages, doctors and dietitians generally recommend including fish in your diet at least once a week.

Fighting with dieaseas, solve the problem of heart dieaseas etc.

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