Miracle Medicine

'Ayurveda' or the 'knowledge  of life's is based on the medicinal properties of various plants found in the Indian sub-continent.  Come let us discuss about few medical plants.


Tuls or basil is said to purify the air and is  central to all Hindu homes. Its leaves are used to cure common digestive ailments and cough.


All parts of the tree are very useful for medicinal purposes. The bark is used for toothache and bad breath. The seeds, bark,  flower, leaves and fruits are useful as Ayurvedic herbal medicine.


The seeds of the Banyan are used to make some tonics ana the sap can heal wounds. It has antiseptic and astringent qualities.


It's also known as Pudina. It hasn't cooling property abs and often used in toothpaste to fight bad breath. Mint oil is used in balms, mouth wash,  chewing gums, and aromatic oils. It is also used in skin care products such as body lotions, soaps, bathing oils and skin tonics.


The fruits are source of vitamin C. It's a good tonic for general vitality. The fruits either fresh or dried are used as Ayurvedic medicine.


The root of the plant is useful in treatment of coughs, colds, and other bronchial irritations. Powdered Mulethi is an excellent remedy for hyperacidity.

According to the WHO, as many as 80% of the world people  rely on traditional medicines for their primary health care,  most types of which use remedies made from plants.

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