Top 10 benefits of Martial arts

Today in our daily life, we hardly find some to do extra activities.But if we find a Little bit time for martial arts and practice daily, then it gives you a better life. 

There are many benefits in practicing Martial arts:

1. Learn self defence :

Martial arts prepare you to defend yourself from attackers. Instincts to react quickly in compromising situations.

2. Get more confidence and courage :

You can defend yourself from a larger attacker. Martial arts give you confidence to face whatever comes your way and also gives courage to step up to any challenge.
Due to the goal setting, positive encouragement and respect for values that are part of all martial arts programs, the greatest benefit usually reported by martial arts students is greater self-confidence. You become more comfortable in all situations – whether you’re in danger or simply doing a task that takes you beyond your comfort zone — and you’ll discover you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

3. Lose weight and burn body fat:

When you kick on a pad or trying to someone down on the ground, it's the one way lose your weight. Martial arts help you to burn your body fat. It gives you best results.

4. Burn up-to 1000 calories per hour:

A one hour session of moderate intensity martial arts can burn up to 1000 calories.

5. Get best shape ever:

When you practice martial art,  it's pushing yourself to the limit and encourages you to work hard.

6. Self improvement :

Ignite continuous self improvement physically,  mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Each training day comes with a new challenge. It helps us to improve ourselves. Martial arts turns bad habit into good one.

7. Develop mental strength,  discipline, focus:

When you train martial arts,  you are constantly put to the test,  we have to push ourselves when we are at our weakest.  As Bruce Lee pointed out, behind the punches, kicks and knees, a true martial artist learns to sit with himself and see where his weaknesses are. As a martial artist, your will learn what it is to be still, challenged and focused.

8.Release stress and boost your energy :

Martial arts is one of the best ways to relieve stress. There is nothing better than punching and kicking on pad to relieve from stress.  Researchers have found that participating in a regular exercise routine is one of the best ways to improve your mood. Performing martial arts is not only a good way to relieve stress and frustration, but may actually help to make you happier. The endorphins released by physical activity appear to be active in your body for as many as four hours after exercise.

9. Build warrior spirit to overcome adversity :

Face whatever life throws at us, wheather good or bad we have to overcome.

10. Life long friendship:

Martial arts help you to bond with people.

Martial Arts also build teamwork and social interaction to kids. Parents should introduce sports to their children instead of mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices.

If you a running out of interesting ways to stay fit and healthy that also stimulate your mind, then getting involved in martial arts may be for you.
So,  begin your Martial arts Journey today!

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