Top 10 yoga in daily life

The researchers found that yoga outperformed aerobic exercise at improving balance, flexibility, strength, pain levels among seniors, menopausal symptoms, daily energy level, and social and occupation functioning, among other health parameters. Yoga does more than calm you down and make you flexible.
•Calming brain
•Keeping spire straight
•Keeping joints flexible
•Opens up the hips.
•Stretches the ankles and knees.
•Calms the brain.
•Increases awareness and attentiveness.
•Keeps the spine straight.
•Helps develop good posture.
•Eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica.
•Helps keeps joints and ligaments flexible.
Urdha vrikshasana:
•Strengthens the spine.
•It strengthens the tendons and ligaments of the feet.
•It tones up the leg muscles.
•Strengthens the knee.
•Flexibles the hip joints.
•Strengthens the inner ears, eyes and shoulders.
•Beneficial in sciatica and useful in flat feet problem.
•Increasing lung capacity
•Strengthening abdomen
•Strengthening foot muscles.
•Increasing height
•Stretching torso and spine
•Increasing physical balance
•Improves posture.
•Strengthens thighs, knees, and ankles.
•Increases awareness.
•Steadies breathing.
•Increases strength, power, and mobility in the feet, legs, and hips.
•Firms abdomen and buttocks.
•Relieves sciatica.
•It helps in digestion.
•Sitting in this pose helps in reduction of the hips.
•It helps in getting rid of constipation.
•It helps to fight stomach disorder.
•A few minutes of Vajrasana and you can feel the mind calming. ...
•It helps in increasing the blood circulation in the body.
•Yoga always helps in weight loss.
•Lower body flexibility
•Toning of calf muscles
•Reduction of hips
•On a metaphysical level, helps one to achieve balance in other aspects of life.
•Strengthens the ligaments and tendon of the feet.
•Strengthens and tones the entire standing leg, up to the buttocks.
•Assists the body in establishing pelvic stability.
•Toning ligaments
•Loosening hip joints
•Improving balance
•Stimulating Blood circulation
•Stimulate and improve the function of  blood through the entire body.
•Strengthens and stretches the hips,  back, arms, thighs, and leg.
•Reduces blood pressure, stress, and anxiety.
•Cure indigestion.
•Gives flexibility to groins, hamstrings, and hips.
•Transactional calm the mind.
•Stretching hip and thighs
•Reducing blood pressure
Bhujangasan 1:
•Reducing hairloss
•Improving blood circulation
•Strengthening nerves
•Ardha-Bhujangasana is a powerful method for making the spinal section, legs, knees and lower legs suppler.
•This asana is fabulous approach to set up the body for pregnancy.
•Extends the muscles on the front side of the body, discharging physical strain.
•Extends and detoxifies the lymph hubs in the crotch, giving a support to the insusceptible framework.
•Rubs the inside organs, helping processing and disposal.
Bhujangasan 2:
•Reducing indigestion
•Strengthening arms
•Improving blood circulation
•Ardha-Bhujangasana is a powerful method for making the spinal section, legs, knees and lower legs suppler.
•This asana is fabulous approach to set up the body for pregnancy.
•Extends the muscles on the front side of the body, discharging physical strain.
•Extends and detoxifies the lymph hubs in the crotch, giving a support to the insusceptible framework.
•Rubs the inside organs, helping processing and disposal.
•Opens up the hips, stretching deep hip flexors.
•Stretches and strengthens the shoulders and back.
•Expands the abdominal region, improving digestion and elimination.
•Improves posture.
•Opens the chest, improving respiration.
•Loosens up the vertebrae.
•Reducing fat thighs
•Improving respiration
•Relieving lower back pain
•Keeping spine flexible
•Strengthening hips and calfs
•Soothing the nerves
•Stretches the front torso
•Strengthens the back and improves posture
•Stimulates the belly
One of the main benefits of practicing yoga is that it helps manage stress. ... It helps a person in managing stress by meditation and breathing exercise and improves a person's mental well being. Regular practice creates mental clarity and calmness thereby relaxing the mind.
Practice Yoga. Stay healthy. Make healthy!!

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