Top 5 foods to increase your height

Today in our daily life we all want to grow and increase our height. For increasing our we have to eat healthy food. Here we have discussed about Top 5 healthy food which will help you to increase your height.


Eggs are definitely in the list of food that increase height. They are affordable and easy to get Amd contain high amount of proteins. The recommended serving us 2 eggs daily.
Research has shown that eating eggs for breakfast can help fight weight gain all day long. ... Eggs are low in calories and fat. One large egg contains just 77 calories and five grams of fat. They may be small, but each egg is packed full of six grams of protein, as well as all nine essential amino acids.
Eggs May Boost Your Metabolism. ... The thermic effect of food is the energy required by the body to metabolize foods, and is higher for protein than for fat or carbs . This means that high-protein foods, such as eggs, help you burn more calories and give you a beautiful shape.


Milk is an excellent source of calcium.  Besides it,  it's a source of Vitamin A which preserves calcium in your body. It's also contains protein which helps in building our body cells.  Skimmed milk is free from fat and 100% protein. Atleast 2 glasses of milk is recommended daily.
Calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, and protein are necessary for growing strong bones and bodies. Protein is a key nutrient for building muscle at any age. But helping to build healthy bones and muscle isn't the only way drinking milk can help you grow. ... Potassium: Helps maintain healthy blood pressure.
There are two types of protein in milk, casein and whey, and both can benefit your hair. A diet low in protein may cause hair to thin or go into a dormant stage and stop growing. Healthy hair is the direct result of a healthy body, and a nutritious diet that includes milk protein may result in thick, shiny hair.


Another height increasing food is soyabeans. These are rich in protein and stimulate growth. Eaten daily,  they are full of Folate, Fiber,Carbs. This high protein food works to build bone mass and tissue density To Help increase height.
Soybean is yet another nutritious food that provides a boost to your height when consumed on a daily basis. Soybean is a rich source of proteins, folate, vitamins, fiber and carbohydrates which makes it a complete food for improving overall health.
One should try to consume 50 to 55 grams of soybean every day. You can include baked or boiled soy beans in your salads, rice, and other recipes.

Chicken :

Chicken is one of the highest source of proteins among animal food. It can help in build and increase muscle growth.
It is also advised that consumed boiled chicken is more effective than fried chicken since they contain fat and will increase cholesterol in your body. Chicken stalk and chicken soup can also be in-taken for maintaining a perfect diet.
A person trying to increase height must consume at least 50 grams of chicken every day in order to load up on high-quality proteins

Fruits and vegetables :

Besides increasing height, fruits and vegetables play a important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Good fruits and vegetables to eat for growth are cabbage, potato, spinach, tomato, peas, carrot, papaya, pumpkin, sweet potato. Also eat plenty of oranges, berries, tomatoes for vitamin c to boost growth. 
They are powerful source of fiber, vitamins and potassium. Vitamin A is very helpful in developing bones and tissues. Fruits are rich in vitamin A such as grapefruit, cantaloupes, papaya, mango, watermelon, passion fruit and apricots. Eat vegetables and fruits everyday.

Eat healthy stay healthy!!

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